Posté : 20 avr. 2011 12:15
actuellement je dois faire un petit batch pour mon entreprise afin qu'une employé puisse sauvegarder les données de son disque externe sur le pc de la boite.
Je suis administrateur système et réseaux débutant et j'avoue que la programmation et moi ne somme pas bon copain. J'ai don récupérer le code en exemple sur le forum ainsi qu'un code laissé sur le forum. J'ai fais toutes modifications qui me semblé nécessaire mais rien. Si quelqu'un à la patience et le temps de m'aider ça serais hyper cool. sa fais 2jours que je suis dessus et franchement je ne sais plus quoi faire.
J'ai légèrement avancer, mais il me reste encore un problème c'est que je voudrais faire une sauvegarde incremental mais ça ne fonctionne pas si quelqu'un pourrais avoir une idée ci-dessou le code:
echo.Date : %date%
echo.Time : %time%
REM BackupScript
REM Version 1.01, Updated: 2008-05-21
REM By Jason Faulkner (articles[-at-]
REM Performs full or incremental backups of folders and files configured by the user.
REM Usage---
REM > BackupScript
REM ---Configuration Options---
REM Folder location where you want to store the resulting backup archive.
REM This folder must exist. Do not put a '\' on the end, this will be added automatically.
REM You can enter a local path, an external drive letter (ex. F:) or a network location (ex. \\server\backups)
REM SET BackupStorage=D:\TEST
REM Which day of the week do you want to perform a full backup on?
REM Enter one of the following: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, *
REM Any day of the week other than the one specified below will run an incremental backup.
REM If you enter '*', a full backup will be run every time.
SET FullBackupDay=Monday
REM Location where 7-Zip is installed on your computer.
REM The default is in a folder, '7-Zip' in your Program Files directory.
REM SET InstallLocationOf7Zip=%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip
REM +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
REM | Do not change anything below here unless you know what you are doing. |
REM +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
REM Usage variables.
REM SET exe7Zip=%InstallLocationOf7Zip%\7z.exe
SET filBackupConfig=BackupConfig.txt
REM Validation.
IF NOT EXIST %filBackupConfig% (
echo No configuration file found, missing: %filBackupConfig%
REM IF NOT EXIST "%exe7Zip%" (
REM echo.
REM echo.
REM ECHO 7-Zip is not installed in the location: %dir7Zip%
REM echo.
REM ECHO Please update the directory where 7-Zip is installed.
REM Backup variables.
FOR /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/ " %%a IN ('date /t') DO (
SET DayOfWeek=%%a
SET NowDate=%%d-%%b-%%c
SET FileDate=%%b-%%c-%%d
IF {%FullBackupDay%}=={*} SET FullBackupDay=%DayOfWeek%
IF /i {%FullBackupDay%}=={%DayOfWeek%} (
SET txtBackup=Full
SET swXCopy=/e
) ELSE (
SET txtBackup=Incremental
SET swXCopy=/s/d:%FileDate%
ECHO Starting to copy files.
IF NOT EXIST "%dirBackup%" MKDIR "%dirBackup%"
FOR /f "skip=1 tokens=*" %%A IN (%filBackupConfig%) DO (
SET Current=%%~A
IF NOT EXIST "!Current!" (
ECHO ERROR! Not found: !Current!
) ELSE (
ECHO Copying: !Current!
SET Destination=%dirBackup%\!Current:~0,1!%%~pnxA
REM Determine if the entry is a file or directory.
IF "%%~xA"=="" (
REM Directory.
XCOPY "!Current!" "!Destination!" /v/c/i/g/h/q/r/y %swXCopy%
) ELSE (
REM File.
COPY /v /y "!Current!" "!Destination!"
ECHO Done copying files.
REM SET BackupFileDestination=%BackupStorage%\
REM If the backup file exists, remove it in favor of the new file.
rem IF EXIST "%BackupFileDestination%" DEL /f /q "%BackupFileDestination%"
REM ECHO Compressing backed up files. (New window)
REM Compress files using 7-Zip in a lower priority process.
REM START "Compressing Backup. DO NOT CLOSE" /belownormal /wait "%exe7Zip%" a -tzip -r -mx5 "%BackupFileDestination%" "%dirBackup%\"
REM ECHO Done compressing backed up files.
rem ECHO Cleaning up.
REM IF EXIST "%dirBackup%" RMDIR /s /q "%dirTempBackup%"
ECHO Finished.
actuellement je dois faire un petit batch pour mon entreprise afin qu'une employé puisse sauvegarder les données de son disque externe sur le pc de la boite.
Je suis administrateur système et réseaux débutant et j'avoue que la programmation et moi ne somme pas bon copain. J'ai don récupérer le code en exemple sur le forum ainsi qu'un code laissé sur le forum. J'ai fais toutes modifications qui me semblé nécessaire mais rien. Si quelqu'un à la patience et le temps de m'aider ça serais hyper cool. sa fais 2jours que je suis dessus et franchement je ne sais plus quoi faire.
J'ai légèrement avancer, mais il me reste encore un problème c'est que je voudrais faire une sauvegarde incremental mais ça ne fonctionne pas si quelqu'un pourrais avoir une idée ci-dessou le code:
echo.Date : %date%
echo.Time : %time%
REM BackupScript
REM Version 1.01, Updated: 2008-05-21
REM By Jason Faulkner (articles[-at-]
REM Performs full or incremental backups of folders and files configured by the user.
REM Usage---
REM > BackupScript
REM ---Configuration Options---
REM Folder location where you want to store the resulting backup archive.
REM This folder must exist. Do not put a '\' on the end, this will be added automatically.
REM You can enter a local path, an external drive letter (ex. F:) or a network location (ex. \\server\backups)
REM SET BackupStorage=D:\TEST
REM Which day of the week do you want to perform a full backup on?
REM Enter one of the following: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, *
REM Any day of the week other than the one specified below will run an incremental backup.
REM If you enter '*', a full backup will be run every time.
SET FullBackupDay=Monday
REM Location where 7-Zip is installed on your computer.
REM The default is in a folder, '7-Zip' in your Program Files directory.
REM SET InstallLocationOf7Zip=%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip
REM +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
REM | Do not change anything below here unless you know what you are doing. |
REM +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
REM Usage variables.
REM SET exe7Zip=%InstallLocationOf7Zip%\7z.exe
SET filBackupConfig=BackupConfig.txt
REM Validation.
IF NOT EXIST %filBackupConfig% (
echo No configuration file found, missing: %filBackupConfig%
REM IF NOT EXIST "%exe7Zip%" (
REM echo.
REM echo.
REM ECHO 7-Zip is not installed in the location: %dir7Zip%
REM echo.
REM ECHO Please update the directory where 7-Zip is installed.
REM Backup variables.
FOR /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/ " %%a IN ('date /t') DO (
SET DayOfWeek=%%a
SET NowDate=%%d-%%b-%%c
SET FileDate=%%b-%%c-%%d
IF {%FullBackupDay%}=={*} SET FullBackupDay=%DayOfWeek%
IF /i {%FullBackupDay%}=={%DayOfWeek%} (
SET txtBackup=Full
SET swXCopy=/e
) ELSE (
SET txtBackup=Incremental
SET swXCopy=/s/d:%FileDate%
ECHO Starting to copy files.
IF NOT EXIST "%dirBackup%" MKDIR "%dirBackup%"
FOR /f "skip=1 tokens=*" %%A IN (%filBackupConfig%) DO (
SET Current=%%~A
IF NOT EXIST "!Current!" (
ECHO ERROR! Not found: !Current!
) ELSE (
ECHO Copying: !Current!
SET Destination=%dirBackup%\!Current:~0,1!%%~pnxA
REM Determine if the entry is a file or directory.
IF "%%~xA"=="" (
REM Directory.
XCOPY "!Current!" "!Destination!" /v/c/i/g/h/q/r/y %swXCopy%
) ELSE (
REM File.
COPY /v /y "!Current!" "!Destination!"
ECHO Done copying files.
REM SET BackupFileDestination=%BackupStorage%\
REM If the backup file exists, remove it in favor of the new file.
rem IF EXIST "%BackupFileDestination%" DEL /f /q "%BackupFileDestination%"
REM ECHO Compressing backed up files. (New window)
REM Compress files using 7-Zip in a lower priority process.
REM START "Compressing Backup. DO NOT CLOSE" /belownormal /wait "%exe7Zip%" a -tzip -r -mx5 "%BackupFileDestination%" "%dirBackup%\"
REM ECHO Done compressing backed up files.
rem ECHO Cleaning up.
REM IF EXIST "%dirBackup%" RMDIR /s /q "%dirTempBackup%"
ECHO Finished.